01745 222 110 admin@maenol.com

Email to Head of Planning 17th April 2024

Thank you for your quick response and for looking into this matter.

I note Ian received the Planning Policy response two days before you advised me “Ian is correct we still haven’t received a response from Policy”.

I note your comment in relation to requiring the response from Policy “this is fundamental to the assessment of the application as they will need to analyse the viability information you have submitted.”. Ian has had this response from policy for 21 days. It looks from an outsiders point of view that this has been sat on, this is highlighted by the fact that the document was only added to the portal this morning after I chased you up for a response.

I note your comment “I have looked at the other consultations but I can’t see any significant issues. I have asked Ian for his opinion”. I assume 3 weeks on from your email that you have had a response from Ian? This being the case I must insist that you confirm that there is nothing we need to address to avoid planning permission being rejected.

Please be aware a time extension with relation to this application was agreed up until 15th March 2024. No further request has been received or sought.

I accept that you may need a little more time to determine the conditions placed on the planning permission. This I am happy to give you, provided you can confirm there are no issues that need addressing on our side and can assure me that planning permission will be granted. We accept there will be conditions. If you are unable to give this undertaking I will be forced to immediately appeal to the Welsh Government on the basis you are outside of the agreed time extension.