01745 222 110 admin@maenol.com

Email from Head of Planning 13th December 2023

Thank you for your email. I have noted your concerns and I have also looked at the applications that you have referred to. It would appear that the applications were submitted without any previous engagement or pre-application enquiry. I would recommend this in future as guidance from Welsh Government recommends early discussions to avoid delays and this because officers generally have a limited amount of time to deal with an application once it is submitted and officers do not have time to enter into protracted discussions during the application process. Occasionally applications do run over target where there may be minor matters to resolve. In respect of the previously refused application I can see from the refusal notice there were a few reasons for refusal and although you have indicated that a change could have been made quickly, officers also have to take into account the additional time needed to carry out any further consultations.

I would add that we place all consultations responses on our website and this is to ensure that the process is transparent and for agents to identify any concerns straight away that need to be addressed. I would suggest that this is done to keep track of the consultations responses Planning Explorer – Conwy County Borough Council.

I’m unaware of any engagement taking place with the case officer following refusal of the application and looking at the conservation officers comments on this current application (see attached) it would appear that he still has concerns with the design. I would suggest that this is looked at as a matter of urgency, I’m also unclear if any further viability information will be provided or if it’s the intention to pay the financial contribution of £20,000.

Having considered the matter further I don’t see any reason why the case officer cannot continue to determine the application, it is standard practice to allocate resubmitted applications to the case officer who deal with the original scheme as they will be familiar with the application and area. I’m afraid I will not re-allocate the application.